
Episode 18 Aliens, space and extraterrestrials

December 29, 2022
Unearthing Reality
Unearthing Reality
Episode 18 Aliens, space and extraterrestrials

Join us today as we unearth the truth behind the concept of extraterrestrials and the potential deception that encompasses this belief. Outer space isn’t up… its out. Expand your mind, this world, and your current understanding.

18 thoughts on “Episode 18 Aliens, space and extraterrestrials”

  • Avatar Chickenips says:

    Man this is a weird thought but i dont know if you have ever watched the anime one piece. It’s a anime about pirates who travel. They run into the grand line and in its a mountain that has 4 streams from N.,S.,E.,W. that run down its crazy when you look at the old map of the north pole it looks JUST like that damn mountain from one piece. The man who wrote it based characters off real pirates but I think he based some off the land of the flat world.

  • Avatar RyAd says:

    You guyz are amaze ballz <3
    the "canals" on Mars was a translation error from italian. the guy doing the observation said he observed "canalli" or some shit, which doesnt mean "canals" but the translators were too lazy/incompetent and next thing you know…THERE IS LIFE ON MARS OMFG YOUSE GUYZ! haha,

  • Avatar Ready Freddy says:

    Caleb & Derek rock! You both promised to have open minds & us all find the truth together.

  • Avatar Chanel Wajand says:

    I’m asking this only 25 min into the podcast. People say that this realm is prison. Do you think the people who have money, celebrities etc. have some type of control and may not be human. With all the tampering with food, water and the very air we breathe, do you think they play a part in our ascension? If so would they be the species as us or not? I like to ponder that.

    • Avatar Dare_ik says:

      That is one of the thins that they suggest is that the bad energy beings of this realm are here to assist us in our ascension process but idk how i would feel about that. I know that they are necessary for us to learn from but it could also be used as an excuse to do as though wilt.

  • Avatar m3rmaidt4ils says:

    Derek’s description of our realm and earth being hell was a concept that was presented to me about a year ago and it really changed my life. In a REAL loving universe, there is no threat of eternal suffering for being human aka sinning daily. We all know before we come to earth how difficult our journey will be as we sign karmic bonds with those in our spiritual circle that will teach us life lessons. This means there is truly no one to blame but ourselves. You chose all of this—even the ones who hurt you for your growth. Enjoy the journey and LOVE unconditionally so you can finally ascend! We are all here to experience and burn off karma.

    • Avatar Dare_ik says:

      I am so happy the message resonated with you. We cant tell for sure but what we do know is we can do better then what is happening now and that future is what we are fighting for. Once people wake up to the reality things will forever change.

  • Avatar Sabali333 says:

    Hey guys, can you give a shout-out to other like minded podcasts I could start listening to? Thanks!

  • Avatar Steve long says:

    I totally agree with what your said above I’m a born again Christian I know for sure Hell is real and it’s way down in the earth and before I gave my life to Christ I was living a very sinful life and God gave me a very powerful vision but I think it was more an out of body experience so so real God showed me Hell and it a very scary place also while I was there he separated himself from me and that felt really horrible, God was showing me if I didn’t turn from my since this would be where I was going when I passed. That very week I knew I had to find out about our Lord Jesus Christ and done a Alpha course at a local church and got baptised straight after and I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that He’ll is a real place!!!
    We all only have two choices give your life to Christ or go there!
    Jesus is the way the truth and the life!

  • Avatar SomethingAppropriate says:

    Speaking of Wizard of Oz, y’all should look into the symbolism of it. Supposedly, the scarecrow represents the straw man legal fiction that is created by the government when we are born (DOE, JOHN). Tin man is the heartless/soulless worker that shuts down from working to death. The OZ (oz.) is short for ounces which is how gold is measured. There’s a video on IG that explains it.

  • Avatar Ceej Boy says:

    I believe that there is good angels and bad ones ( being the fallen ones) in genesis it does says that the sons of God ( being the angels that fell with Satan) are the ones that mated with woman of men and that is how the nephlilam cam to be. Never the less all angels are spiritual. You can’t see them unless they reveal them selfs to you.

  • Avatar AdriMess21 says:

    Do you guys believe in lands beyond the ice walls of Antarctica? I’m wondering if you’ve read books and diary’s of people in our history that have seen what’s beyond the walls. They all say there has been a Great Reset in humanity. They say the inner circle was called Tartaria in the past. So what we call Earth used to be called Tartaria. So they’re not necessarily saying the Native Americans didn’t go through what they went through. According to the books we were wiped out and only our newborns and babies were left. It’s interesting to keep researching. I am not convinced that all this is true because i am still looking for more evidence but i just wanted to get us thinking more about it.

    • Avatar Ceej Boy says:

      I will disagree with what Derek said about how this world is hell. As a Christian I believe that hell is a real place and you have a choice weather you go there or not. If you belive in Jesus Christ as your lord and Savior you won’t go to hell because hell is for the u believers. Once your in hell it’s to late you can’t reverse your choice. That is why it is so important that we share the gospel to people so they won’t go to hell. The world is not hell. Now I believe what is far under us Is hell. But it is ment for Satan and his fallen angels. God did not intend it for us. That is what I belive. It’s is spiritual. We never where around for ever. Now God did know us way befor we were ever created. He knew the plans of our life’s and knows every hair on your head. He loves us soo much. Its when Adam and Eve fell by temptation that is when sin entered the world. But God had a plan to send his one and only son Jesus to come and die for us all so that we could have a relationship with God again. You see when they disobeyed God ther relationship with him was separated by sin. So yes I believe we were created in the image of God and we do have a purpose on this earth. And that purpose is to share the love of Christ with others so they won’t have to go to hell. We all are going to be judged at the end for what we did with Jesus. That is the true Gospel

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